Being in a position to advocate for one too small, weak and helpless to advocate for himself…this is the very heart of the story in which we anchor our faith. Jesus became our advocate. As a completely sinless, perfect man and God, he laid down his life in the court of our accuser. He stood between the Judge, God eternal, and the impending death that we deserve for our sin. One sin, the Bible tells us, makes us guilty of the entire law, and the penalty for just ONE SIN is death. Jesus lovingly and willingly stood in front of me, with no doubt, tears in his eyes after watching the foolish heart-breaking actions of a sinful selfish girl, and said,
“Let me speak on her behalf. She is unable to do anything about her plight. She is powerless to change her fate. I want to change it for her. Don’t give her what she deserves. I want to pay her debt. Let my perfect blood on that cross change her future and erase her past. Give her a future filled with purpose, dignity, and salvation.”
People whom I respect have asked me about this connection between our faith and our adoption of these. This is the lifeline. I love because He first loved me. I rescue because I am rescued. I lay down my life, and my comforts, wishes and plans, to be a tiny part of a plan beyond anything I could imagine….the redemption of a life. We agree that no matter how hard and how painful this journey is, my boys are lives worth saving. Their future will forever be changed. We will advocate for them. They can’t change the past or the lineage to which they have been born, but we can. We will give them a new name, and we will change who they will become. The love of Jesus will cover that past they cannot change and will lead them to a life of redemption. And they will, as mature followers of Jesus, advocate for others.
If you are interested in adoption from through foster care, here in Ohio (and many other states) you may be surprised to know that:
- Adoption from Foster Care doesn’t cost you any money. Unlike international adoptions, which may cost 30-40K, there are hundreds of available children waiting on a forever family and it is free. It does cost you time, resources, energy, time, patience….you get the idea.
- Medicaid benefits for the child may be available as a supplement to your own family private insurance until the child turns 18.
- The State of Ohio and the IRS offer significant tax benefits for domestic adoption. The 2018 federal adoption tax credit is $13,840. The State of Ohio, for 2018, has increased it’s tax credit for adoption from $1500 to $10000. **
- Once a child is placed with you for adoption, the law requires they must reside with you for a minimum of six months before an adoption hearing can be set.
- Attorney’s fees can be covered by a grant request you make with the assistance of ODJFS.
- Many children in care are eligible for Title IV-E monthly subsidies until they turn 18, which can assist with the large financial task of adding another child to your family, particularly one with could have special needs or mental health needs related to childhood trauma.
- You do have a say in the age groups, history, behaviors, physical needs, and other personal qualifications of children you are willing to consider. This is thoughtfully filled out by you in GREAT DETAIL during the completion of your home study.
- The job is very hard. Not gonna lie. But the rewards are not only incredibly fulfilling, but also eternal.
In Warren County, Ohio, you can start the conversation by asking for more info here.
We are happy to talk with you further regarding adoption, as well. Please let us know what your need or question is and how we can help.
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**Always consult your tax attorney or financial advisor for more information on how adoption may affect your situation.