Today is my 15th Anniversary.

Dan Kim High School

Lunch at a favorite spot when we were in high school. Clearly, that was when we could drink milkshakes daily.

Today is my 15th Anniversary.  My best friend and I found each other 23 years ago.

Life has a way of passing by so quickly.  Just the other day I realized that I was married, and now here I am, looking back at 15 years and realizing the richness that life has brought since that time.  I remember the day without any difficulty.  I remember the butterflies, the excitement, and the thrill of the end of the ceremony and the beginning of our life as grown ups.

Life looks a lot different now than those early days of springing out of bed to run and play tennis on Saturdays, or hanging out with friends on Friday night.  We have to be intentional now in our time together, but take great comfort in the constancy of our relationship, and the knowledge that when our time with small kids is over, and they have left our home to pursue their own adventures, we will still have each other.  We’ll have each other and the added benefit of a life-long witness to our experiences, hopes and ambitions.  What an amazing thing God created when he decided to give Adam a help mate.